The Ecology of Power — Under 35 Impact & Climate Leaders Edition

The Ecology of Power — Under 35 Impact & Climate Leaders Edition

Learn to reclaim your Power, Vitality and True Role to Play with tools from nature, cognitive science and ancestral traditions.

Welcome to a special edition of The Ecology of Power — a 10-week program dedicated to change-makers in the fields of social impact, regeneration and climate justice.

This cohort will run from September 11th to November 30th

Limited seats available. Our Spring Cohort sold out.


Deadline to apply: September 3rd

Where is our Power?

  • 84% of youth live heavily affected by ecoanxiety and a sense of powerlessness
  • 30-50% of leaders, entrepreneurs and activists experience depression and burn outs
  • 65% of projects fail because of governance and team conflicts around power and money

We are incentivised to see Power in a way that hijacks us, our health, relationships and projects.

The result is that often we think we’re taking action for change, but we’re unconsciously re-creating the same story — wasting our efforts, talents, time and resources.

And we cannot afford that.


Redefining Change-Making in the 21st century

The Ecology of Power — Under 35 Impact & Climate Leaders Edition is a 10-week program designed for young entrepreneurs, activists and change-makers active in the fields of social impact, regeneration and climate justice.

Through this program you’ll learn to:

  • understand the science of empowered vs disempowered states through nature and evidence-based protocols
  • identify the mechanisms of eco-anxiety and how to neutralise them
  • reclaim vitality, clarity and alignment in order to overcome states of anxiety and frustration
  • discern power dynamics at play in the moment, and learn how to respond effectively
  • communicate the true value of your work thus releasing blockages around expression, worth and money
  • participate in global arenas and conversations knowing what is your unique role to play within the larger eco-system
We need to re-write our inner Story of Power, and learn how to put it into practice. Because if the game levels up, then so must we.

Program details

This is not a course. It’s an immersive program focused on practice and applied knowledge.
Think “group coaching”. No slides — just live sessions focused on key insights, and how to put them into action. We work with tools from somatic and cognitive science, nature and evidence-based protocols as well as ancient traditions.*

We will:

  • start with a kick-off session
  • go for 10 weeks of program
  • have a final graduation and integration session, with extensive Q&A.

*— This is a special edition of the original Ecology of Power program, adapted to support youth all over the world who are taking action to heal and regenerate our nature, communities, and society. The program outlined below is our backbone structure, which will be enriched by your perspectives, questions and real-life situations we’ll work through.


Week 1

Understanding Paradigms: the Old Power and the New

We start by examining the current shifts of perspective on Power and Purpose looking at fields like quantum physics, technology, psychology and ancient traditions.

How can we read the current trends and risks? What does it mean for change-making projects and efforts?

See module outline

Week 2

Power Fundamentals

We set the groundwork. We look at Power through the lenses of somatic and cognitive science, and we define the baseline and tailored Power Protocol of each participant.

What is Power? What is our current Power State, and what are the most urgent fronts we need to monitor and nurture?

See module outline

Week 3

Anatomy of Attunement

We look at eco-anxiety and we dive into the science of empowered vs disempowered states. Without an tuned antenna, nothing really works.

What is the difference between internal and external imbalances? What actions work best for our unique profiles and circumstances?

See module outline

Week 4

Neutralizing Power Leaks

We deepen the work of week 3. We learn to examine our response to the defined Power Protocol, reflect on the learnings and plan the necessary adjustments.

See module outline

Week 5

Anatomy of Courage

We shift our focus from the internal to the external challenges and resistances that we are facing.

How do we read power dynamics at play? How do we meet tension with presence? How do we train to move through it?

See module details

Week 6

On Power and Relationships

We deepen the work of week 5. We look at the emerging situations, learn from each other and integrate tools around ancestry and relational psychology.

See module details

Week 7

The 4 dimensions of Wealth

We dive deeper, and we learn that behind any conflict of Power there’s always a story of Value, Worth and Wealth.

How do we identify those imbalances of value? How can we reach the root of those stories? What does it take to rewrite them?

See module details

Week 8

Pain to Power

We reach the core. We learn that we use Power depending on our relationship to Pain, and we dive into the Pain-Power-Purpose equation.

What has Pain got to do with Power? What’s its cultural link to the rising topic of Feminine Leadership, and why does it matter?

See module details

Week 9

On Purpose, Change and our True Role to Play

We rise from Pain to Purpose. We look into mythology, psychology and systems theory to connect the dots between individual growth and collective contribution.

How can we recognize the pattern between our cracks and our calling? What are the risks and traps, and how can we avoid them?

See module details

Week 10

Anatomy of Alignment

The end of our journey—and the start of a new one. In this final session we look at how to integrate the program’s insights looking at the electromagnetic and behavioral science of alignment and embodiment.

How do we turn our breakthroughs into action? How do we nurture and deepen our true alignment over time?

See module details

By joining this program you get:

  • 💻 10 weeks of live group program
  • 🎥 lifetime access to the sessions recordings
  • 📚 Selected movies, podcast episodes and articles to prepare each week’s work — including Meg’s personal highlights and timestamps of where to locate key insights
  • 📒 Program workbook with timeless tools, practices and journaling prompts
  • 📱 The Power & Purpose Network App — to connect with members of your cohort and other like-minded people who already went through the program
  • BONUS #1: Guided Exercises Bundle— a set of audios with guided exercises and techniques I use from the Silva Method, Toltec and Buddhist traditions to reclaim energy (recapitulation), recalibrate your nervous system and cultivate vitality
  • BONUS #2: Healing Spaces Assessment Tool—Meg’s personal checklist to assess the safety and integrity of healing and plant medicine spaces, practitioners or programs in order to avoid risks and abuses of power
  • BONUS #3: Integration and Grounding Diet and Exercises — Meg’s personal and curated list of habits, recipes and exercises to integrate transformative experiences
We aren’t afraid of challenges. We are afraid of not playing our role and never really expressing our true potential.


📆 When: from September 11th to November 30th (kick off session + 10 weeks + guided integration week)

⏰ Day / time of sessions: adaptable depending on your preference (see the application form)

💻 Where: online (zoom)

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Format: group cohort (depending on the language of preference*, groups may vary in seize)

📱 Tools: a dedicated platform and app with all sessions recordings and material

*— On Language // this program is primarily run in English. However, with enough requests, the program can be delivered also in Spanish, Italian or Portuguese. Select your language preference in the application form.

Time commitment

 2h live Zoom Session per week*

⏰ ~1h per week of autonomous reflections and exercises

*— after the September 11th kick off, we’ll confirm the time slot based on the group’s preference and the time zones (see the application form)

Financial investment

The Ecology of Power — Under 35 Impact & Climate Leaders Edition includes:

  • 10-week dedicated cohort program
  • 1 kick off + 1 integration session with extended Q&A
  • Lifetime access to all materials and sessions recordings
  • Lifetime access to the Power & Purpose app and network
    • Guided Exercises Bundle
    • Healing Spaces Assessment Tool
    • Integration and Grounding Diet and Exercises

Total fee: 480€*

*— Important // To ensure inclusion, pay-what-you-can, partial and full scholarships options are available. If you resonate with this program but can’t afford the full fee, just select your preferred option in the application form. *— On Payment Plans and Refunds // yes, we have both. Please check the FAQs section for all the details

⚠️ Spots are limited ⚠️ — last program sold out. Apply below to secure your spot


Deadline: September 3rd

Do what is truly yours to do. Anything else will fail.

This program is for you if…

  • you’re an Under 35 activist, policy maker, entrepreneur or change-maker already actively involved with one or more social or environmental causes
  • you want to learn about Power and Purpose through the fabric that connects nature, cognitive science and ancestral traditions
  • you want to identify and break the patterns of unconscious replication of damage in your life, relationships, projects and in society
  • you want to connect with like-minded people who are also on their journey to reclaim their true power and realign with their unique role to play

This program is NOT for you if…

  • you’re just looking to acquire more information and explore these topics intellectually
  • you’re not willing to dive deep and sit with uncomfortable questions about yourself, your relationships and society at large
  • you hold a very strict set of beliefs, perspectives or faith that you consider right while the others are wrong
  • you’re not interested in questioning the way we participate and unconsciously feed the current social and economic system, and you believe that there are “good” vs “bad” people
  • you’re dealing with a extremely complex situation of conflict or power imbalance — if this is your case you might need 1:1 guidance, it’s better to contact me directly instead.



FAQs and other details

What do you mean by “group coaching”?
What’s unique about your approach?
How is this program different from the original Ecology of Power one?
Who do you normally work with?
Do you have case studies?
Is there a refund policy?
Do you offer a payment plan for this program?
Can I pay via my company — or get reimbursed by my employee?
I’m interested but can’t join this time. Will there be another cohort?
Other details and terms of engagement

Interested in joining?

⚠️ Spots are limited ⚠️ — apply by September 3rd to join


Deadline: September 3rd

If you came to be a lighthouse you cannot curse the storm.

About Me

Hi, I’m Meg — full name: Margherita Pagani.

Over the last 10 years I have lived and traveled across 30+ countries exploring models of growth, impact and system change with local communities, public/private organisations and ancient traditions.

I'm a Forbes 30under30 and Fortune 40under40 founder, a serial TEDx speaker and a private advisor. I directly collaborate with indigenous cultures, in particular with the Yorenka Tasorentsi Institute founded by the award-winning Ashaninka leader, shaman and activist Benki Piyako.

This program is informed by my decades of direct practice with cognitive science and ancient traditions — it combines all the tools that made the difference for me (and now for my clients) and everything I wished existed when I was going through this journey myself.

You can read more on or start with one of my favourite articles — on the topic of The Gate.

Thank you again for being here, and hopefully see you in the program.

Abrazo, ~M


For info contact:

Watch my TEDx Lisbon: “You think your purpose and impact matter? Think again.”